Lorem ipsum : génération de 2 moyens paragraphes - Generator of text (in English) for webdesigners

Text generator - English

Here is the text generated containing 2 paragraphs.

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"He used to be so conservative," she says, throwing up her hands in mock exasperation. "We used to have the worst arguments right here at this table. I was part of the first group of public city school teachers that struck to form a union, and Richard was very angry with me. He saw unions as corrupt. He was also very opposed to social security. He thought people could make much more money investing it on their own. Who knew that within 10 years he would become so idealistic? All I remember is his stepsister coming to me and saying, `What is he going to be when he grows up? A fascist?'"

The AI Lab of the 1970s was by all accounts a special place. Cutting-edge projects and top-flight researchers gave it an esteemed position in the world of computer science. The internal hacker culture and its anarchic policies lent a rebellious mystique as well. Only later, when many of the lab's scientists and software superstars had departed, would hackers fully realize the unique and ephemeral world they had once inhabited.

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The layout and functions have been designed by Prélude Prod and belong exclusively to Lorem Ipsum.

Si vous aimez la photographie d'art et l'esprit zen, jetez un œil sur le site de ce photographe à Palaiseau, en Essonne (France).

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