Lorem ipsum : génération de 3 moyens paragraphes - Generator of text (in English) for webdesigners

Text generator - English

Here is the text generated containing 3 paragraphs.

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The dispute with UniPress had highlighted a flaw in the Emacs Commune social contract. Where users relied on Stallman's expert insight, the Commune's rules held. In areas where Stallman no longer held the position of alpha hacker-pre-1984 Unix systems, for example-individuals and companies were free to make their own rules.

Gifted in anything that required analytical thinking, Stallman gravitated toward math and science at the expense of his other studies. What some teachers saw as single-mindedness, however, Lippman saw as impatience. Math and science offered simply too much opportunity to learn, especially in comparison to subjects and pursuits for which her son seemed less naturally inclined. Around age 10 or 11, when the boys in Stallman's class began playing a regular game of touch football, she remembers her son coming home in a rage.

As hacks go, the GPL stands as one of Stallman's best. It created a system of communal ownership within the normally proprietary confines of copyright law. More importantly, it demonstrated the intellectual similarity between legal code and software code. Implicit within the GPL's preamble was a profound message: instead of viewing copyright law with suspicion, hackers should view it as yet another system begging to be hacked.

Lorem Ipsum is a free service for personnal and commercial use: you may distribute, copy, licence or sell any information or materials obtained from this site.
The layout and functions have been designed by Prélude Prod and belong exclusively to Lorem Ipsum.

Si vous aimez la photographie d'art et l'esprit zen, jetez un œil sur le site de ce photographe à Palaiseau, en Essonne (France).

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